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Publisher Imprint Support

· One min read
Brian Pepple
Founder of the Metron Project / Code Monkey

Spent the weekend working on finally adding support for Publisher's imprints. Before this, Metron simply lumped Publishers and Imprint together under the Publisher views which was not ideal, but this change will allow them to be separated.

New views, filters, and API endpoints have been added for this feature, so if you see anything missing or behaving not as expected, please open a bug report.

Series detail for Afterlife with Archie. Show new imprint information.

In addition, I've released new version of Darkseid, Mokarri, and Metron-Tagger that add support for imprints. And as always, if you discover any bugs, it would be appreciated if you opened a report in the appropriate git repository.

Anyway, that's all I got for now. Take care!