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Schema documentation

This page aims at clarifying the various elements of the schema, as well as their intended use and observed usage.


The identification numbers from sources of information.

It has the following child element:

  • ID

    The sources of information used for the metadata.

    The primary attribute is used to identify the primary source of information used in the xml document. Only one element can have this attribute be true.

    The source attribute is required and has to be one of the following:

    • AniList
    • Comic Vine
    • Grand Comics Database
    • Kitsu
    • MangaDex
    • MangaUpdates
    • Metron
    • MyAnimeList
    • League of Comic Geeks

    Note: If you are using information from a source not included in the above source attribute, you can add a URL element and set the primary attribute to true to identify where the information was retrieved from.


A person or organization responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a book. It can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.

It also has the following children elements:

  • Name

    The name of the Publisher.

  • Imprint

    Optional. The brand name used to publish a series. For example, Vertigo is an imprint of DC Comics.

    It can also have an id attribute.


Contains information about the series the book is part of. It can have a lang attribute, which is defined as a 2-letter language code (ISO 639-3), and an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.

It also has the following children elements:

  • Name

    The name of the series.

  • SortName

    The name of the series that should be used for sorting purposes. Normally this is the same as the Name element, but without any leading articles like the.

  • Volume

    Volume containing the book. Volume is a notion that is specific to US Comics, where the same series can have multiple volumes.

    Volumes can be referenced by number (1, 2, 3…) or by year (2018, 2020…).

  • IssueCount

    The total number of issues for the series. For example, Black Lightning v1 (1997) ran for 11 issues, so the value of the IssueCount would be 11. This can change between issues of a series, if it was still being published when the xml document was written.

    This element is primarily used by comic server software like Kavita or Codex.

  • VolumeCount

    The total number of volumes for a series. For example, Black Lightning has the following v1 (1977), v2 (1995), and v3 (2025), so the value in the VolumeCount sub-element would be 3.

    This can be used to distinguish total volumes published, like Bleach, which has 74 volumes or 706 issues.

    This element is primarily used by comic server software like Kavita or Codex.

  • Format

    The type of series. It must be one of the following values:

    • Annual
    • Digital Chapter
    • Graphic Novel
    • Hardcover
    • Limited Series (which covers mini/maxi series)
    • Omnibus
    • One-Shot
    • Single Issue (which covers ongoing/cancelled series)
    • Trade Paperback
  • StartYear

    The year that the series started in. This must be a 4 digit value.

  • AlternativeNames

    Any other names the series is named as. It has AlternativeName children name for the individual alternative series name.

    They have the following children element:

    • Name

      The alternative name of the series. It can have an id and lang (defined as a 2-letter language code (ISO 639-3)) attribute.


Used to store the Volume for Manga. This is a string element.


Trade Paperback and other collections can sometimes have a name for individual Trade Paperback in a series.


Number of the book in the series which can accept alphanumeric values like 1MU.


Contains information about the stories contained within an issues.

It has Story children elements for the individual story names. It can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.

Note: The Story element and it's children elements are analogous to the Title element in the ComicInfo.xml schema.


A description or summary of the book.


The cost of the book when published.

It has Price children elements which must have an country attribute (2-letter country code defined in ISO 3166).


The cover date of a periodical publication is the date displayed on the cover, which is not necessarily the true date of publication.

For most publishers, it would be a value like 2022-07-01 if it was released to the stores on July 6, 2022. Due to legacy industry practices both Marvel and DC Comics have a cover date two months in the future, so if was release on July 6, 2022 it would have a cover date of 2022-09-01.


Contains the release date of the book.


The number of pages in the book.


A free text field for additional information.


The genres of the book.

It has Genre children elements for the individual genres. For example, Horror or Fantasy.

The Genre element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.


Any tags associated with the book.

It has Tag children elements for the individual tag values. For example, ninja or school life.

The Tag element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information


Any story arcs the book is a part of.

It has a Arc element that can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.

The Arc element has children elements that contain the following elements:

  • Name

    The name of the story arc.

    The Name element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information

  • Number

    An optional story arc number for the book.


Any characters in the book.

It has Character children elements for the individual character names.

The Character element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information


Any teams in the book.

It has Team children elements for the individual team names.

The Team element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information


Any universes in the book.

It has a Universe element that can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.

The Universe element has children elements that contain the following elements:

  • Name

    The name of the universe.

  • Designation

    An optional designation for the universe.


Any locations in the book.

It has Location children element for the individual location names.

The Location element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information


Any books that are reprint in the book.

It has Reprint children elements that contain the following element:

  • Name

    The name of the book reprinted, for example Strange Academy (2020) #1

    The Name element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information


The Global Trade Item Numbers for the book.

It has the following children elements:

  • ISBN

The International Standard Book Number is used for books & magazine. It can be ten or thirteen digits.

  • UPC

The Uniform Product Code which is usually twelve digits.


The age rating for the book which is usually determined by the book publisher.

Currently, there is no governing body to determine the age rating choices so each publisher has created their own. So, for simplicity's sake we've settled on the following values (with ages given as a guideline):

  • Unknown
  • Everyone - Appropriate for readers of all ages.
  • Teen - Appropriate for readers age 12 and older.
  • Teen Plus - Appropriate for readers age 15 and older.
  • Mature - Appropriate for readers age 17 and older.
  • Explicit - Contains material that is more extreme than material found in R rating movies.
  • Adult - Likely pornographic in nature


URLs pointing to reference websites for the book.

It has the following child element:

  • URL

    The primary attribute is used to identify the primary source of information used in the xml document. There can only be one element that can have this attribute be true.


A datetime value that is when the metadata was last written to. This most likely will be used with tagging software which will help determine if the information source (Comic Vine, Metron, etc.) is more recent than information contained in the XML file.


The schema specifies each creator element can only be present once.

It has Credit children elements that contains the following elements:

  • Creator

    The name of the creator. It can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.

  • Roles which has Role children elements that can have the following values:

    • Writer
    • Script
    • Story
    • Plot
    • Interviewer
    • Artist
    • Penciller
    • Breakdowns
    • Illustrator
    • Layouts
    • Inker
    • Embellisher
    • Finishes
    • Ink Assists
    • Colorist
    • Color Separations
    • Color Assists
    • Color Flats
    • Digital Art Technician
    • Gray Tone
    • Letterer
    • Cover
    • Editor
    • Consulting Editor
    • Assistant Editor
    • Associate Editor
    • Group Editor
    • Senior Editor
    • Managing Editor
    • Collection Editor
    • Production
    • Designer
    • Logo Design
    • Translator
    • Supervising Editor
    • Executive Editor
    • Editor In Chief
    • President
    • Publisher
    • Chief Creative Officer
    • Executive Producer
    • Other

    The Role element can also have an id attribute that can be used to add the identification number from the source of information.