Donating to the Project
One of the items I've been asked about the most for the project, especially when Comic Vine goes down, is how to donate to the project to help the server keep up with the demands from our users. Well, I finally found some time yesterday to set up an account with Open Collective, so the project can now accept donations to help cover server and development costs. The page currently doesn't have much beyond some basic financial contributions options, but once I read through the documentation a bit more I'll look into filling it out a bit more.
I've been asked about adding a paid tiered for an increase in the API rate limit, but at this time I'm not planning on adding that, but who knows maybe sometime in the future if there is enough demand (and I have the time to implement it) it might be worthwhile to pursue.
If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to e-mail me or ping me on Matrix.