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3 posts tagged with "opencollective"

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December 2024 Update

· 2 min read
Brian Pepple
Founder of the Metron Project / Code Monkey

Monthly Statistics

During December the Metron Project added the following to its database:

  • Users: 39
  • Issues: 823
  • Creators: 259
  • Characters: 413

2024 Annual Statistics

During 2024 the Metron Project added the following to its database:

  • Users: 566
  • Issues: 33,784
  • Creators: 2,283
  • Characters: 7,748

Thanks to everyone that contributed!

Grand Comics Database (GCD) ID Support

Recently support for GCD ID's was added to the site, and we've currently linked about 50% of the issues on the site, and with luck, should be completed in the next week or so.

Potential January Projects

I'm looking at some small projects to work on in January, and some potential ones I'm thinking about are:

  • Add Legacy Numbering field
  • Alternative Series Name field
  • Advanced Resources (Series, Issues, etc) Search
  • Resource ID URLS

Not sure which ones (or any) will be implemented, but I'm planning to dig into them a bit more in the next few weeks.


We've recently set up an account at Open Collective if you wish to help defray the server costs and help with increasing future server capacity.

Anyway, that's all I got for now, hope everyone had a great holiday and are enjoying New Years day. Take Care!

Donating to the Project

· One min read
Brian Pepple
Founder of the Metron Project / Code Monkey

One of the items I've been asked about the most for the project, especially when Comic Vine goes down, is how to donate to the project to help the server keep up with the demands from our users. Well, I finally found some time yesterday to set up an account with Open Collective, so the project can now accept donations to help cover server and development costs. The page currently doesn't have much beyond some basic financial contributions options, but once I read through the documentation a bit more I'll look into filling it out a bit more.

I've been asked about adding a paid tiered for an increase in the API rate limit, but at this time I'm not planning on adding that, but who knows maybe sometime in the future if there is enough demand (and I have the time to implement it) it might be worthwhile to pursue.

If you have any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to e-mail me or ping me on Matrix.

November 2024 Update

· 3 min read
Brian Pepple
Founder of the Metron Project / Code Monkey

Monthly Statistics

During November the Metron Project added the following to its database:

  • Users: 31
  • Issues: 2,210
  • Creators: 104
  • Characters: 426

Thanks to everyone that contributed!

Metron-Tagger v3.1.0

I released a new version of Metron-Tagger today that adds the ability to migrate data from a comic that contains a ComicInfo.xml.

The conversion from ComicInfo.xml -> MetronInfo.xml does have some caveats though:

  • Elements containing data with a comma in a delimited ComicInfo element. If for example, the Title element contained a story call "Babs: True Blue, I Love You" and it was originally written with a tool other than Metron-Tagger it will split the story into two element items: Babs: True Blue and I Love You .
  • Ratings. We map these to the enums used in MetronInfo, but it's not perfect since the ComicInfo documentation isn't terribly clear how it defines it values, so if you feel our mapping is incorrect please notify us and explain what it should be. Also, I've seen some users use non-valid values which obviously won't work.
  • Series Format. We've also done our best to map the series format, but this is even less defined the age rating since this is just a text element in the schema, and could be anything. We've used the values in Comic-Tagger to handle the conversion, but this isn't perfect.

To migrate your ComicInfo.xml to MetronInfo.xml without any online lookup would simply run:

metron-tagger --migrate /path/to/comics

If you wanted to tag you comics with data from the Metron Comic Book Database, and migrate the data from the existing ComicInfo.xml for those comics not on Metron, you would run:

metron-tagger -om --migrate /path/to/comics

If you run across any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please file a Bug Report or Feature Request.

Server Upgrade

Finally got around to upgrading the server, and it was fairly uneventful. Yay! 🎉


The main repository has finally reached 100 stars, and so most likely in the next week or two, I'll set up a funding option at Open Collective to help defray the server costs and help with increasing future server capacity.


Now the bulk of the work is done with getting the MetronInfo out the door and some initial tooling to generate them, I'm planning to work on some low-hanging bugs with the website over the next month or so, before starting any large scale projects.

Anyway, that's all I've got for this month. Take care!